
My People Are Awesome Vol. IV

It's been a while, but it's never too late for another installment of My People Are Awesome.
This one can double as a belated Mother's Day and Congratulations post, as this one goes out to my mom, who just graduated with her Doctorate of Ministry last Friday.  Hooray!

My parents might be the cutest people ever to walk the earth.

This woman defines lifelong learning (3 degrees!), and is always on a quest for the next challenge, and a new way to incorporate all of her (many) talents into something creative and passionate and fulfilling.  She is such a wonderful role model!

My mom has worn a lot of different hats in her day, and they usually involve doing something to make the world a better place.  From working with pregnant teenagers, to snagging huge grants to assist homeless teens that fall by the wayside of traditional education system, to helping school districts to get on the technology bandwagon, to her new career, counseling individuals on their spiritual journey, this woman never stops!  She's also a good dancer, a great mediator, and is always in the back of my mind when I am trying (often in vain) to be firm and direct yet diplomatic in dealings with difficult people. She's a bridge-builder, in her personal and professional lives, and couldn't the world use a few more bridges?  

She also writes lovely poetry & prose over here.

I love you Mom!  


About Rosemary Hagan said...

you sweetheart...
I love you too, and am so proud of you as well. THe minute you were born I undesstood the world and why we are all on this planet.


Christy Hoffmann said...

Ginger, your mom is an inspiration. What a neat lady!

Lee Ann said...

Ginger, what a beautiful tribute to my dearest friend. We are both lucky to have her as a significant part of our lives.