
it all comes back around

A few months back i got fed up with trying to ride my bike with a purse. They are always either sliding around and winding up banging on my thigh or else i have to stuff them in my bag on the back, which is fine unless i'm riding home from the store or something, and the bike-bag is full. And I have my messenger bag for school, but that has my computer in it, and again, if going out or to the store... etc. Anyway.
I decided that the answer to my problem was a fanny pack. I could strap it around my chest like a messenger bag, it wouldn't slide around like a purse, and its small and portable.
Well, whoooo-eee. You should have heard Adam's response to that idea. You would have thought I'd told him that I was going to wear it around my waist AT ALL TIMES, along with a stained tshirt with wolves on it, black Reebok's and mullet. Here's the one I've had my eye on:

It has all kinds of nifty security features and everything.
But, given my pauper's (grad student) salary, I can't really justify spending $40 on a new "purse". Alas.

But then, loooo and behold. Time comes for the big trip, and what does Adam decide he needs?

I ask you to examine the bottom center of this photograph, near his feet:

Originally uploaded by kwmuradio

That, my friends, is a fanny pack. Purchased outright by my husband. And when he returns, it will be mine.

Also more importantly, THAT IS SADDAM HUSSEIN'S CHAIR! In Saddam's palace in Baghdad! Crikey. That's way more exciting than a new purse.
Please, please go and check out all of Adam's stories from Iraq here: KWMU


Catherine said...

HOLY Crap! I think I missed earlier posts...Adam in Iraq? Yikes. can't wait to read his stories. Cool shot by the way-fanny pack et all!

Catherine said...

non-blog related, but could you send me your email and snail mail address?

Catherine said...

HOLY Crap! I think I missed earlier posts...Adam in Iraq? Yikes. can't wait to read his stories. Cool shot by the way-fanny pack et all!