
hello good people!

I'm back in the field for another week. I have grand intentions of posting while I'm here, but getting online involves me poaching wi-fi from the ranch office while sitting on a picnic table in the glaring sun I'll try, but I make no promises.

It always takes me a good two days to adjust to a new place/schedule and I think it is intensified here by the fact that I am all by myself all day and all night, every day and every night. My schedule out here is work 5am-ish to about 10:30, then take a break until the late afternoon when the sun is not so intense, and if I'm lucky there are clouds. I spent most of my down time yesterday afternoon walking around in circles in the guest house (pics of it tomorrow/in few days/next week) thinking I'll read! No, I'll nap! Actually, I should work on that spreadsheet... Inevitably the nap wins.

P.S. On my first night here I went into the cute town of Patagonia and had dinner at a place called Velvet Elvis, and while the decor consisted primarily of those technicolor Mexican paintings of the Madonna, there was one large velvet Elvis. If you've been paying attention you'll know that makes two velvet Elvii in one week! I wanted so badly to take a pic of this one too, but a large family was sitting right in front of it, and I didn't want to make a scene.

1 comment:

About Rosemary Hagan said...

Love this pic of you. Nice.
Naps are good.. and if that is what beckons..