
Another shoe story

I have a life-long hate-ambivalence relationship with sport sandals. I never bought Tevas when they came out in the 90's, a fact which boggles A.'s mind. He was a full participant in what he likes to refer to as the "Sport Sandal Confusion Phase"--where, right after Tevas made it big, everyone had to have them, but no one was sure what to do with them.... Its like a sneaker, but also a sandal... Socks? No socks? Socks. yes, socks.

As a field biologist, I frequently find myself headed into situations that promise to be hot and muggy, hot and dry, wet in general, muddy, uncomfortable, etc. And on these occasions (often!) I think to myself:
This would be a good time to own a pair of those [insert brand of favorite sport sandal here]. They would probably be more comfortable than wearing my boots across that stream.

But, for a number of reasons, I never buy them:
-One shouldn't buy a shoe that needs to be broken-in the night before going out in the field, unless you like blisters. I don't.
-I'm cheap, and $100 for rubber and webbing seems like a rip off.
-They don't protect you from rocks, snakes and poison ivy.

-And oh, did I mention that they are heinous?

Heinous, but practical in certain situations...
One of my admittedly shallow pet peeves is when people wear inappropriate footwear. Flip-flops in winter. Those foam gardening clogs out to dinner. Pointy-toes heels to class.

On several occasions I have found myself sweating and swearing in my boots while my coworkers or friends ramble about in their Chacos, etc. and I think "here is a time for sport sandals, maybe I should get some????........".

So, the other night we made a last minute run to REI to buy a few things for our trip to Baja. I looked at the sport sandals. I thought about the heat in Mexico, and how we'd be kayaking, snorkeling and hiking, sports not akin to my flip flops. I tried them on. I did a little jig...... because it just felt right, with those clodhoppers on my feet.
I gave them back to the overeager salesman.
I'll wear my flip flops and my sneakers.

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